Residents and businesses in the Kells area will face water shortages today. Kilkenny County Council said that, “due to a burst mains”, water supplies in Rathduff, Rathduff Lower, Glebe, Kells, Goodwinsgarden, Baunemon and Monadubrbaun will be temporarily turned off from 9.30am until 4pm. Uisce Éireann and Kilkenny County Council said they apologise to
Major maintenance works on the water network will cause significant disruption to water supplies in Kilkenny city and surrounding areas from tomorrow night. Uisce Éireann said the works on the water network at Troyswood Water Treatment Plant will impact customers in parts of the city, Freshford, Cooleshal, Threecastles, Tulla, Rathmoyle, Thornback, Talbotsinch, Freshford
Communities in the north of the county will have to endure nightly water restrictions from tonight until Monday. The restrictions to supply – which take effect from 9pm to 9am – will impact parts of Clogh, Massford, Moneenroe, Gorteen and Coolbawn, Castlecomer. Uisce Éireann – formerly Irish Water – confirmed similar restrictions that affected Castlecomer […]