September 16, 2024
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CCTV shows teens climbing stage at popular Kilkenny venue and bashing it with hurls

A popular Kilkenny venue has been forced to close to the public because of anti-social behaviour.

Ballykeeffe Ampitheatre was fenced off over the weekend after teenage vandals climbed up on the stage canopy, damaging it and endangering themselves in the process.

The venue confirmed CCTV footage showed teenagers “climbing the canopy and using hurls to damage it”. They added: “It is not only going to be costly but its not safe for children and teenagers to be doing this. We can clearly see faces and if needed we will have to prosecute if there is a lot of damage done. Our stage has also been damaged.”

The owners urged those responsible: “Don’t damage what we as a community have spent many years building up for everyone to enjoy.”

They added: “We unfortunately have had to fence in the amphitheatre for everyone’s safety! Having accessed the damage, it is repairable. If this behaviour continues in the future we will report it to the gardai.”

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