GARDA WARNING: 15 social media apps that can be used to ‘bully, harass or exploit’ Kilkenny children
Gardai have provided Kilkenny parents with a list of social media apps that have become increasingly popular with children.
While many apps are completely innocent, gardai warn they may be used by some people “to bully, harass or exploit”.
A Garda spokesperson said: “Knowledge is power – speak to your children about their mobile usage. Set your expectations for what it will be used for and talk to them about online safety.
“If your child is contacted by someone who pressures them into doing things they don’t want to, or bullies and harasses them, encourage them to tell you. Having open conversations about safety is paramount to making sure they stay safe, and are savvy about how they use these apps.”
For more advice on how to help you monitor your children’s online activity, log on to: and