Massive increase in number of patients waiting on beds in Kilkenny’s St Luke’s
St Luke’s General Hospital in Kilkenny appears to be in the midst of a mini-crisis outside of the Covid-19 crisis as it has recorded the highest number of patients waiting on trolleys in its emergency room today out of all of Ireland’s hospitals.
The Irish Nurse and Midwife Organisation’s (INMO) daily Trolley Watch report reveals 12 patients are waiting on trolleys in St Luke’s emergency department today as they wait for a bed to become available for them in a general ward.
The 12 patients in St Luke’s are more than 25% of the total number of patients today waiting on trolleys in Ireland’s hospitals according to the INMO, who say there are 47 patients waiting on trolleys in emergency departments around the country.
The number in St Luke’s has more than doubled since yesterday when just five patients were waiting on trolleys in the hospital, however, up until last Friday there were no patients awaiting beds in the hospital. contacted the Irish East Hospital Group who said this is expected after the HSE asked those who had been avoiding hospital with issues other than Covid-19, should attend now.