October 18, 2024

Two Kilkenny teens caught with cocaine and cannabis within minutes of each other

Two local youths have been questioned in relation to two separate incidents of drug dealing in Kilkenny city where more than €2,500 of cannabis and cocaine was recovered.

A 17-year-old was spotted by officers acting suspiciously on the Waterford Road on Monday evening, April 13. Gardai approached the youth and performed an on-the-spot search and found €2,000 worth of cocaine and cannabis  bagged up and ready for sale.

Gardai are investigating whether the youth was transporting the drugs for others or whether the drugs were ready for sale.

Just minutes later, in a second incident and again close to the Waterford Road, another 16-year-old teen was caught in possession of around €500 worth of cannabis.

Gardai are following up both arrests, but have confirmed that no charges have been prepared yet. Files are being prepared by the gardai in relation to both incidents.

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