October 18, 2024

‘It’s beyond me how humans can be so cruel’ – Kilkenny gardai rescue distressed dog

This dog was taken into custody amid concerns for his welfare following allegations the animal was being treated cruelly. But the distressed dog appeared to cheer up when he made friends with  local Garda Amy Mulqueen.

Gardai from Kilkenny’s Unit A seized the dog at John’s Quay yesterday under the 2013 Animal Welfare Act after it recieved a report it had been subjected to cruelty.

A local Garda spokesperson confirmed: “An investigation is ongoing”.

Several people took to social media to praise the actions of guards, and to express their anger at the dog’s treatment.

One woman commented: “It is beyond me how humans can be so cruel. This little fella just wants love, food,water and a home, with a loving family.”

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