July 27, 2024

100-year old Kilkenny missionary honoured by embassy


A LORETO sister from Kilkenny, who left Ireland in the 1940’s to go teaching in Africa, has been honoured by the State on her 100th birthday.

Sr Colombiére Kelly reached her century this week and the Irish Department of Foreign affairs was on hand to mark her accomplishments after spending 70-years educating the children of Kenya.

Ambassador Fionnuala Quinlan, the Consul-General of the USA, as well as Vincent O’Neill, Ireland’s Ambassador to Kenya, paid tribute to Sr Colombiére Kelly on her special occasion, and for the years she has dedicated to educating and caring children.

The Irish embassy in the Kenyan capital Nairobi said on Twitter: “A Loreto Sister, celebrating her 100th Birthday . Sr. Colombiére Kelly, who hails from Kilkenny, has spent over 70 years in Kenya and has taught in various schools across the country – Hongera la siku uliozaliwa! Translated from Swahili it means ‘Congratulations on a special birthday!”

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