September 15, 2024
Business News What's On

Kilkenny Arts Festival X: Exciting new schedule will include live performances

One of Kilkenny’s most iconic festivals has announced their plans for this year’s event, which will include a mix of live performances and events on digital platforms.

Kilkenny Arts Festival this morning unveiled an exciting series of events which it will present under the title Kilkenny Arts Festival X. Organisers said they are “taking the first steps to bring audiences and artists back into the same room”.

Throughout August and into September the festival will host a number of events in various locations around the city featuring the best of local and national performers, writers, dancers and artists among others.

Earlier this summer organisers took the difficult decision to cancel the planned August 2020 Festival. However, the festival team continued to develop an imaginative programme of events in line with the roadmap for reopening Ireland, and within government and public health guidelines.

Kilkenny Arts Festival Director Olga Barry said: “As challenging and uncertain as the times we live in are, it’s essential that we make safe ways for artists and audiences to come together in as many different ways as possible. Audiences can access that special Kilkenny magic online, here across our beautiful city at indoor and outdoor exhibitions and installations, and crucially at live performances we’ve made especially for the times we live in.”

“Artists and performers will always be at the heart of Kilkenny Arts Festival. Kilkenny Arts Festival X offers the sort of wide-ranging, world-class programme for which the Festival is renowned – including concerts, exhibitions, talks, theatre, film, opera and dance – often presented in innovative new forms.

“While in the current circumstances digital content forms a key part of this year’s presentation, it’s clear that audiences and artists share a passion for live experiences where possible, and this exciting programme offers the public opportunities to engage with the Festival in a variety of ways, crucially including bringing audiences back into the room with the artist,” Ms Barry added.

The festival will release live event tickets based on current restrictions and further tickets as public health guidelines allow from this Thursday, July 2,  and can be booked online at:

Organisers also reassured audiences that “delivering these experiences safely, and within government guidelines, is paramount” and that put “comprehensive protocols” have been put in place throughout the festival.


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