September 8, 2024

Burglars thrash Kilkenny home and make off with ‘significant’ amount of cash

A shocked Kilkenny homeowner came home from work to find his house trashed and a significant amount of cash stolen, along with an expensive watch and a set of car keys.

The break-in happened on the Waterford Road in Springhill last Tuesday sometime between 8.30am and 10.15pm. The burglars managed to force their way inside through a window at the side of the house.

Once inside, the burglars went through every room in the house and ransacked the house. They managed to make off with cash, an expensive watch and a set of car keys.

Gardai are investigating the burglary. They have appealed for potential eyewitnesses or anyone woh may have noticed any suspicious activity in the area at the time to contact Kilkenny Garda Station on 056 777 5000.

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