July 27, 2024

Centre for adults with disabilities in Kilkenny receives a damning report


A DESIGNATED centre for adults with disabilities in Kilkenny city was found in general to be failing to meet the standards required in the provision of care to its patients.

The Greenfield’s Centre, which is part of Saint Patrick’s Centre, Kilkenny was found to be substandard in more than two-thirds of the categories in which it was assessed.

On March 26, two members of the Office of the Chief Inspector of the Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA), arrived for an unannounced inspection of the Greenfields facility on the Kells Road.

The report of the inspection visit was released over the weekend. The report found Greenfields was not compliant in 12 of the 17 areas analysed by the inspectors.

Greenfields, which can care for 12 adults with severe intellectual disabilities, had just six residents on the day of the inspection.

After interacting with the residents and inspecting the site, the inspectors found serious issues regarding the centre.

These included: issues with management, staffing, training, governance, the contract for the provision of services, the welfare and development of the residents, the premises, risk management, residents’ rights, and residents protection.

As a result of the poor report, follow up actions were put in place including, weekly update meetings with a member of HIQA, further training, more staffing, and the addition of a progress plan from management down, and also the adoption of regulations set down.

A second facility in Kilkenny, Marble City View Accommodation, an independent living facility for people with special needs, had its report released over the weekend also.

The inspectors arrived unannounced in January and found 12 residents on-site from a maximum of 15.

The report found this facility to be in much better shape, with just structural and management issues raised.

All issues raised in the Marble City View report are being dealt with through an agreed HIQA plan.



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