July 27, 2024
Business News

‘Double child benefit payments to working parents’ – Kilkenny TD

A Kilkenny TD has called on the Government to double child benefit payments to working parents to ease the financial burden caused by the Covid-19 emergency.

Sinn Féin poll topper Kathleen Funchion said the spread of the coronavirus will hit many hard-pressed parents in the pocket.

Deputy Funchion said: “I would ask the department to take into account the difficulties that crèche and school closures will present to working parents who are now without childcare until the end of March. Many will be out of pocket for monthly fees that are already paid.

“Given the financial stress this will cause families, I implore the government to consider a subsidy to be paid to working parents, such as a doubling of child benefit payment that could contribute  towards the following months’ crèche fees for example.

“There will be many lone parents who will not have a partner at home to rely on for assistance if they are expected to work from home. This cohort of working parents must also be factored into the departments’ emergency plans.”

Deputy Funchion (pictured below), who is Sinn Féin’s frontbench spokesperson on children, said crèche closures are necessary to contain the spread of Covid-19.

But she added: “Assurances need to be made by the Department of Children and Youth Affairs to staff, parents and providers that measures are being put in place immediately, so that staff and families are not placed in serious financial difficulty as a result of nationwide closures.

“The decision made at State level to close all crèches and schools is to be welcomed. It is an essential step in trying to halt the spread of Covid-19 and is absolutely necessary for the safety and well being of all children and staff.

“The Early Years Forum is meeting this evening with DCYA officials to discuss the effects this decision will have on the Early Years sector as a whole and the families with children attending services.

“I urge the Department of Children and Youth Affairs to now increase the Sustainability Fund for the sector to further support services who may be impacted negatively by having to close their services. I would also ask that the department review the case management process and to expedite that process in order to release funding to services urgently. This fund should be used to ensure that services are sustainable and that staff have a viable wage.”

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  1. Well said. Extra pressure is also on exam year students because of isolation measures. This would go somewhat towards the bill of the extra cost of online learning.

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