July 27, 2024

House prices in Kilkenny and South East rose by over 10% in 12 months: CSO figures

HOUSE prices in Kilkenny and the South East rose by an average of just over 10% in the year to November, a new report published by the Central Statistics Office reveals.

Overall, the CSO’s Residential Property Price Index for November 2018 shows there has been another slowdown in the rate of house price increases.

Nationally, residential property prices increased by 7.1% nationally in the year to November.

This compares with an increase of 8.4% in the year to October and an increase of 11.2% in the 12 months to November 2017.

In Dublin, residential property prices rose by 5.0% in the year to November, with house prices rising by 4.6% and apartments by 6.5%. The highest house price growth in Dublin was in Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown at 6.8%, while the lowest growth was in Fingal at 3.9%.

Residential property prices outside the capital were 9.3% higher in the year to November, with house prices up by 8.8% and apartments by 14.5%.

The region outside of Dublin that saw the largest rise in property prices was the Mid-West at 20.7%, while the smallest rise was recorded in the Border region at 6.1%.

The South East recorded rises of 10.2% in the year November, according to the survey.

Overall, the national index is 18.0% lower than its highest level in 2007. Dublin residential property prices are 20.8% lower than their February 2007 peak, while residential property prices in the Rest of Ireland are 22.6% lower than their May 2007 peak.

Property prices nationally have increased by 83.0% from their trough in early 2013.

Dublin residential property prices have risen 96.1% from their February 2012 low, while residential property prices in the Rest of Ireland are 78.1% higher than at the trough, which was in May 2013.


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