July 27, 2024
Business News Property

Huge development of 250 homes, offices, nursing home and creche approved for Kilkenny

A massive development consisting of homes, offices, shops, a nursing home and a creche on a greenfield site in Kilkenny has been given the go-ahead by the national planning authority.

Kilkenny County Council had approved the huge development between the Circular Road and Kennyswell Road in Robertshill in Kilkenny last July but that decision was appealed to An Bord Pleanála.

The developers, Daly’s Hill Limited, have now been given the go-ahead to build accommodation for over 800 people, as well as a 126 bed nursing home on the site.

Daly’s Hill Limited can now proceed with their plans to create just over 40,000 sq mts of new buildings over a 12.9 hectare site.

This includes 133 new homes consisting of 17 four-bed houses, 106 three-bed homes and ten two-bed houses.

A further 133 apartments will be built as part of the development, consisting of 46 one-bedroom apartments, 77 two-bed apartments and 10 three-bed apartments.

The development will also see the creation of a 126-bed care home, a creche and two large commercial and retail units.

Two large office blocks, covering over 38,000 square feet between them, are also to be constructed as part of the development. The development will also provide 747 parking spaces.


Access to the site will be from a roundabout created on the new Western Environs Road and will see a new bridge built over the Breagagh River.

In making its decision, An Bord Pleanála said: “The proposed development would be in accordance with the National, Regional and Local policy, would constitute an acceptable mix of land uses and residential density at this location, would not seriously injure the residential or visual amenities of the area or of property in the vicinity, would be acceptable in terms of design, height and quantum of development, would be acceptable in terms of pedestrian and traffic safety and convenience and would not be prejudicial to public health.

“The proposed development would, therefore, be in accordance with the proper planning and sustainable development of the area,” An Bord Pleanála concluded.


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