July 27, 2024

Kilkenny will be warmer than the French Riviera by end of the week: Met Éireann

KILKENNY will be warmer than the French Riviera by the weekend as the country basks in temperatures of up to 15 degrees.

The good news comes as a front of African and Mediterranean weather helps to deliver an exceptionally mild spring.

A weather front drawing warm air currents from North African up over Europe will, from tomorrow, drive temperatures across Kilkenny and Leinster up to between 13 and 15 degrees.

Incredibly, Ireland could exceed temperatures predicted for the Riviera over Thursday and Friday – and could even come within two degrees of matching balmy Cairo in Egypt.

However, Met Éireann warned that while Ireland is set to bask in milder conditions, the weather will initially remain changeable with the likelihood of heavy showers and some strong wind gusts today and tomorrow.

Some inland areas may even experience a sharp ground frost on Tuesday morning.

Today will be cloudy with rain extending from western areas across the country.

But while tomorrow will dawn with some rain and drizzle, dry spells will eventually dominate with temperatures rising from 9 degrees up to between 13 and 15 degrees by the weekend.

Kilkenny and Leinster will boast the best of the mild conditions, according to Met Éireann, with Atlantic coastal areas likely to experience some isolated patches of drizzle and rain.


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