July 27, 2024

Kilkenny parents of children with autism and special needs to join marches in Dublin and Cork

KILKENNY parents of children with autism and special educational needs will be joining families and health professionals from across the country at marches in Ireland’s two biggest cities tomorrow.

In the capital, protestors will march from the Garden of Remembrance to Dáil Éireann, while in Cork campaigners will begin their protest at the Court House on Washington Street before marching on City Hall.

The marches are being organised by the ‘Enough is Enough – Every Voice Counts’ group. The group’s spokesperson, local disability activist and mother-of-four Linda Comerford, said the protests will highlight the inequality children with autism and educational special needs face in our school system.

Ms Comerford said: “Children with autism and special educational needs don’t simply need any school place. It must be an appropriate school place where their needs will be met, where they will be supported, understood and where as much as possible they will remain in their local communities.

“We also need to ensure that they are educated by teachers adequately qualified in the area of special education, alternative communication and who have an understanding of autism, intellectual disability and other disabilities. We also need to ensure that children with a dual diagnosis, profound disability or life limiting disability are supported in schools. Many of our children require nursing supports throughout the day.”

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