July 27, 2024

‘Looking forward to getting back for the club All-Ireland semi’ – Christmas messages from Kilkenny soldiers overseas

While many make the trek back to Ireland for Christmas from all corners of the world, there are others who know by the career they have chosen Christmas could very well be spent a long way from home and loved ones in a less than harmonious and peaceful land.

These are the brave and the best of Ireland, representing the countries greatest virtues while being at the forefront of maintaining a fragile peace.

Even though far away, thoughts of home, friends and family (and hurling by the looks of things) are still to the forefront of the minds of those serving overseas in Ireland’s Defence Forces.

Here are a few Christmas messages for those at home from Kilkenny’s finest who are overseas on duty this Christmas.

Lieutenant Paul MURPHY

Danesfort, Co. Kilkenny

Happy Christmas to my mother Marian, Katie, Nadun, my niece and nephew Ella and Hugo and my fiancé Eadaoin. Also, happy Christmas to everyone at Danesfort GAA. See you all in the New Year!


Private Conor BOLGER

Ballyragget, Co. Kilkenny

WHAT WILL YOU BE DOING ON THE DAY? – After my patrols are finished, I will be opening my care package from home and watching Home Alone.

MESSAGE – I just want to say hello to Amy, Indie, Laura and all my family and to wish you all a very Happy Christmas.


Private Donagh CARNEY

Cootes Lane, Kilkenny

MESSAGE – A Happy Christmas to my Mam, Dad, my brother Eoghan, my sister Helen and to my girlfriend Jade. See you all in the New Year.


Private Josh MOORE

Tullaroan, Co. Kilkenny

MESSAGE – Wishing all my family and friends at home a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I’d also like to wish the Tullaroan hurling team the best of luck in the All-Ireland series in the New Year. UP THE SASH!


Private Richie REID

Ballyhale, Co. Kilkenny

MESSAGE – I’d like to wish all my family and friends and my girlfriend Sabrina a Happy Christmas. Congratulations to my brother Patrick on the birth of his son Conal and my brother Eoin on the birth of baby girl Sibéal. Looking forward to coming home to see everyone and getting back for the club All-Ireland semi-final!


Cpl Leanne BUTLER serving in UNIFIL.

I just want to wish all my family, my friends, the gym crew, my running friends, the crew back in Stephens Barracks, Kilkenny and anyone else that I know in Kilkenny, Ireland & Abroad a very Happy and Festive Christmas & New Year.




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