July 27, 2024

‘Major milestone’ reached for three Kilkenny school building projects

A “major milestone” in the construction of three major school building projects in Kilkenny has been reached, according to a local TD.

Deputy John Paul Phelan was responding to the news that new build replacements at Kilkenny CBS, Presentation Secondary School (pictured) and St. Canice’s NS, Kilkenny are all included in the latest Design and Build programme of school building projects.

The Kilkenny TD confirmed the first phase of the process for the procurement of design and build (D&B) contractors has been completed through the selection of contractors.

The programme is being managed and delivered on a devolved basis by the National Development Finance Agency (NDFA) on behalf of the Department of Education and Skills.

Deputy Phelan said this paves the way for construction to commence at the schools next year or 2023 subject to planning requirements.

“The second phase of the procurement process will involve the tendering of the first bundle of projects by these D&B contractors and the establishment of a contractor framework to tender for each subsequent bundle of projects as they become ready, for example when design work is completed and planning permission obtained,” the local Fine Gael TD said.

“Subject to the timelines for obtaining planning permissions, it is envisaged that these projects will proceed to tender and ultimately construction over the course of 2022 and 2023.

Project management and design team consultants have already been appointed for all of the projects and I hope all schools can look forward to substantial progress next year.”

All three developments consist of the construction of a new build replacement school, including a 2-classroom base for children with special educational needs.

Aside from considerably extending the classroom accommodation available to the school communities, the projects will hugely enhance facilities for students and staff alike.

At Kilkenny CBS, the plans also include construction of a multi-use hall, a library and staff rooms. The Presentation Secondary School Kilkenny project will be almost double the size of the current school and plans include a general-purpose hall, a PE hall, a library and staff rooms. The 24-classroom project at St. Canice’s National School, Kilkenny city’s biggest primary school, will include a general purpose hall, a single storey special needs unit, library and staff rooms

“These projects will have a massive impact on the provision of high quality education to communities in Kilkenny,” Deputy Phelan (pictured below) said, adding the announcement is “great news for these fantastic school communities”.



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  1. Marija Magdalena says:

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