Push for Kilkenny people to get booster jab as walk-in clinics reopen
Walk-in booster clinics are open today as eligible Kilkenny people who have not received their third jab are urged to give themselves and their families extra protection from the virus over Christmas.
The vaccination centre at Cillin Hill in Kilkenny is open healthcare workers and those aged over 40 from 8.15am to 12.30pm this morning, and also from 1.30 to 7.15pm and again tomorrow at the same times.
The wait for people who’ve had a breakthrough infection since their last vaccine has now been reduced from six to three months.
Kilkenny has the lowest vaccination rates in the South East with 91.5% of adults and 90% of over 12s now doubled jabbed.
While there are no walk-in clinics for first and second doses in Kilkenny today, people can register online for an appointment on http://www.hse.ie
The HSE South East Community Healthcare has urged anyone with symptoms to isolate.