July 27, 2024
Home Posts tagged Pembrolizumab
KILKENNY TD Kathleen Funchion has urged Health Minister Simon Harris to “show a lot more leadership” and order the Health Service Executive (HSE) to make a life-saving drug available to a seriously ill Kilkenny man. John Holmes recently received his tenth infusion of the drug Pembrolizumab (Pembro) at a cost of more than €50,000. So […]
OUTSPOKEN Kilkenny TD John McGuinness has challenged the Government not to be “cold” and “callous” by standing back and letting a local man who badly needs access to a life-saving drug to die. Deputy McGuiness and his constituency colleague, Sinn Féin TD Kathleen Funchion, both raised the plight of Kilkenny man John Holmes (pictured above) […]
KILKENNY campaigner Vicky Phelan paid an emotional tribute to her fellow “cervical cancer warrior” Tracey Brennan who was laid to rest today. Ms Brennan had tirelessly lobbied the Government alongside Ms Phelan and fellow campaigner Aine Morgan (pictured together above) for the expensive Pembrolizumab drug to be available to every single woman enduring cervical cancer.