July 27, 2024
Business News

Youth unemployment in Kilkenny almost doubles: new report

Youth unemployment in Kilkenny has almost doubled as a result of the pandemic, a worrying new survey reveals.

There are currently 1,489 people between the ages of 18 and 25 in Kilkenny who are currently in receipt of the Pandemic Unemployment Payment (PUP), according to a survey carried out by the National Youth Council of Ireland (NYCI).

This represents 22% of the total of 6,836 people in the city and county in receipt of the pandemic payment. Youth unemployment in December 2019 stood at 12.6%, according to the NYCI.

The organisation, which represents groups working with over 380,000 young people nationwide, is calling on the Government to bring forward a package of measures to support young jobseekers.

It is seeking a €191 million investment to address the high levels of youth unemployment in the July Jobs Initiative to be announced next week.

“At a time when we have over 140,000 young people out of work it is vital that the July Jobs Initiative focuses heavily on the needs of young jobseekers,” said NYCI Deputy Director James Doorley.

“The latest numbers available are stark. 89,544 young people under 25 are currently in receipt of the Pandemic Unemployment Payment (PUP), which is 22% of all of those receiving the payment.

“It is also important to note that before the pandemic hit, despite job growth in the Irish economy and the welcome decline since the last crisis, youth unemployment in December 2019 stood at 12.6%.”

The NYCI is calling for investment in programmes such as the Back to Education Allowance, SOLAS training programmes, the Youth Employment Support Scheme, a national Access to Apprenticeship Programme and Jobsplus Youth that will support up to 28,000 young people.

Mr Doorley added: “Further investment and actions will be required later this year, in light of the scale of the challenge, but we need to make a start now and give young people some hope and support.”

PHOTO: Stock image 

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