July 27, 2024
News Property

Planning chiefs to on major housing development in Kilkenny city

The national planning authority is considering plans for a major housing development of more than 100 new homes in Kilkenny.

An Bord Pleanála received a Strategic Housing Development (SHD) application from developers Denis Treacy Construction Limited to build 115 new homes at Margaret’s Field on the Callan Road in Kilkenny.

The national planning authority gave Denis Treacy permission to proceed with the plans for the development under an SHD back in December. SHD’s were introduced by the Government in 2017 as part of their Rebuilding Ireland project to speed up the planning application process and accelerate the delivery of larger housing proposals.

As part of an SHD, developments of a certain size (100 units or more in this instance), can bypass the usual local authority planning process and instead will be decided upon by An Bord Pleanála.

Denis Treacy Construction Limited previously received planning permission for 60 new homes on a 2.5 hectare site at Margaret’s Fields in 2018. Under this plan an existing three-storey apartment block at the location will be demolished.

This development, if approved will see the demolition of a garage on the site and the construction of 72 houses and 43 houses.

A decision on the application is expected by early August.


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