July 27, 2024

Anger over huge crowds drinking in Dublin city-centre as 18 more cases of virus confirmed

No new deaths and 18 more cases of Covid-19 were reported to the Health Protection Surveillance Centre today.

The welcome lack of fatalities means means the overall death toll as a result of the virus remains at 1,741. There are now 25,527 confirmed cases of the coronavirus in the country.

The latest cases were confirmed amid growing dismay over the huge crowds of people who descended on Dublin city-centre last night. Images of people congregating outside bars in the capital went viral on social media today amid fears of a resurgence of Covid-19 cases.

Speaking on RTÉ Radio One’s Brendan O’Connor show this morning, Dr Maitiu O Tuathail described parts of the city-centre as “completely rammed” with people socialising and said there was a “festival atmosphere”.

“It was profoundly upsetting to be honest,” Ó Tuathail said.

These sentiments were echoed by former health minister Simon Harris who tweeted: “C’mon everyone. We’ve come too far to go back.”

Last Monday, Ireland entered Phase Three of re-opening the country after the Covid-19 restrictions introduced in March.

The latest phase has permitted restaurants and pubs – that serve food – to re-open. Any premises that re-open must adhere to the public health guidance but there are fears that re-opening could bring about a ‘second wave’ of Covid-19 cases.

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