July 27, 2024

Car that hadn’t been taxed for over 2,500 days seized in Kilkenny

This car was seized by gardai in Kilkenny after they discovered the owner hadn’t bothered to tax the vehicle for more than 2,500 days.

The driver was stopped at a checkpoint in Kilkenny earlier this week, but the vehicle – which was imported into the country back in 2015 – had come under the radar of the Garda Mobility App just days earlier.

A local Garda spokesperson said: “Garda members met this vehicle at a checkpoint on Tuesday evening after checking it on the Mobility device while en route to a call on Sunday. On many occasions, vehicles are intercepted on a later date than when spotted. On this occasion Insurance was verified as being in force.

“The Mobility Device has proved to be a huge aid to Gardaí in checking vehicles and drivers in the course of their duty. In particular it has been hugely beneficial in efforts to rid the roads of disqualified drivers.”

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