July 27, 2024
Business News Property

Council rejects plans for large development of family homes in Kilkenny village

Plans to complete a housing development in a county Kilkenny village have been refused by the local council.

In September last year, developer John Staunton applied to Kilkenny County Council to build 42 new homes as part of phase two of a development at Whitehall in Paulstown.  However, in the last week, Kilkenny County Council decided not to grant planning permission.

Already there are 35 residential units at Whitehall built under phase one of the development.

Kilkenny planners had some concerns over the plans designed for phase two and reverted to Mr Staunton last October requesting more details on 16 aspects of the development, including drainage, sewerage, access and construction access, open spaces, the layout of the development and impact on privacy of existing residential units, the provision of a crèche and ability for the National School to accommodate the expected extra children due to the development.

The developer responded to the council’s request in May. After going through Mr Staunton’s response, the council felt they could not grant permission for the development.

It was hoped to build 24 three-bed homes, nine four-bed homes, two three-bed apartments, one two-bed apartment and six one-bed apartments. This would bring the total for the whole development up to 77 units.

The developers have four weeks from the date of the council’s decision to appeal to An Bord Pleanala.

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