July 27, 2024

Appeal to Kilkenny dog owners after 50 attacks on livestock reported nationwide

Gardaí have appealed to all dog owners in Kilkenny to ensure their pets under control after the authorities reported almost 50 reports of livestock being attacked since the lockdown began.

Many of the animals died as a result, with others suffering horrific injuries.

One of 50 incidents that took place over the last three months occurred in county Kilkenny.

In some of the more disturbing incidents which have taken place, a dog attacked seven sheep on a farm in Leitrim.  The owner was identified and had to pay damages to the farmer and the dog then had to be put down.

In another incident in Meath, a farmer shot two dogs as the dogs had killed six sheep and injured two more.

Inspector James White said “If your dog goes and attacks animals on someone’s land, you could be held liable for the damages and face prosecution. The farmer is also within their right to shoot any animal that is worrying their livestock.

“Whilst you might think your dog is friendly and placid at home, they can cause horrific injuries to other animal. We would ask that everyone ensures their dog is kept under control as nobody wants to see animals being harmed,” Inspector White added.


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