July 27, 2024
Business News Property

COVID-19: Work to recommence on ‘essential’ Kilkenny housing developments

Work is set to recommence on the sites of three Kilkenny housing developments in spite of the Covid-19 restrictions.

It comes after the Department of Housing, Planning & local Government agreed to designate certain social housing projects as “essential projects” within the meaning of the Covid-19 health regulations.

To meet the criteria to qualify as essential projects they must be social housing related and suitable for completion within a short timeframe.

Kilkenny County Council said it has proposed a number of projects for designation as essential sites, meaning they can recommence on site “at the earliest opportunity”.

Three sites in Kilkenny have now been approved for designation as essential projects and will recommence works on site in the coming week. The sites are:
*Bolton, Callan;
*Breagagh Place, Main Street, Piltown;
*Nuncio Road, Kilkenny.

A council spokesperson said: “All works on site will be required to adhere to the Public Health Guidelines COVID-19 as well as other relevant health and safety regulations, guidelines and protocols applicable to the construction sector and each site will be monitored to ensure that all requirements are met. The safety of all those on site must be paramount.”

Council Director of Services Mary Mulholland welcomed the recommencement of valuable local housing construction projects.

However, she emphasised the importance of ensuring that “works can only proceed where all public health requirements are fully met”.

Ms Mulholland added: “Applications have been made to recommence construction on other social housing construction sites around the County and Kilkenny County Council will ensure that construction starts again as soon as public health and government advice allow.”


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