July 27, 2024

Late Kilkenny businessman made €50,000 donation towards local playground

A GoFundMe page has been set up to raise funds for the Piltown playground project.

It has emerged the late local businessman John O’Shea, the owner of Iverk Produce, made a €50,000 donation towards the project before his death.

Mr O’Shea’s incredibly generous donation brings to €125,000 the total amount of money that has been raised to for the playground so far.

It is estimated another €50,000 to €75,000 will be needed for the community project – and now the Pil River Park Committee has set up a dedicated GoFundMe page as the step up their fundraising efforts.

Planning permission for the project has been submitted and the committee is preparing a grant application to Kilkenny County Council for €45,000.

A committee spokesperson said: “We are delighted to announce that, as requested by many residents in Piltown and surrounding areas, we have set up a GoFundme page. This will make it easier for those looking to contribute for this worthy cause. We would very much like to thank all those for their continued support. We look forward to the day when all these families will be able to use these fantastic facilities.”

To make a donation, simply click on to:  https://www.gofundme.com/pil-river-park?fbclid=IwAR2nFYfPS2O1OG3eTvxzDbqCskuasgJqFWfjk4PgMzrxRf_sLyGQ8SJWuMc

PHOTO: Piltown Enterprise of site  

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