July 27, 2024

Little Blue Hero Noah made honorary Garda in recognition of his bravery

LITTLE Noah O’Sullivan’s biggest wish is to some day be able to walk unaided. But in the meantime the brave four-year-old had another wish come true after he was made a honorary Garda.

Noah was born at just 29 weeks old and was diagnosed with a form of cerebral palsy 18 months later. He has survived two brain bleeds, hydrocephalus and meningitis.

Noah has captured the hearts of everyone who has met him. And his bravely has also captured the attention of An Garda Siochána, who this week made Noah an honorary Garda when he was officially inducted as a Little Blue Hero at the Garda headquarters in Dublin.

Noah is pictured here with his proud uncle, Garda Eric O’Sullivan of Thomastown Garda Station (right of Noah), who accompanied his nephew and his parents to the event.

Kilkenny gardai said on social media: “It’s great to have such bravery in our ranks and our love and best wishes travel every step of the journey with Noah. Well done to Noah and all the little boys and girls who became Blue Heroes today and thanks to all involved in making it happen.”

Noah is due to travel to the US in the Autumn to undergo a serious life changing operation.

Noah’s parents launched a fundraiser to support Noah’s “wish to walk” and to help him get to America for the surgery after discovering he was eligible for selective dorsal rhizotomy (SDR) surgery, which could give him the chance to learn to walk independently.

Due to his condition, Noah is unable to sit freely or comfortably without a chair and has poor balance.

Noah’s parents, Debbie and David O’Sullivan, from Co Waterford, were overjoyed when he was accepted for the surgery last year.

The surgery is expected to cost around €55,000. His family are aiming to raise €100,000 to cover the cost of the surgery, transport to St Louis and for three years intensive post-op rehabilitative physio therapy.

For more information on Noah’s Wish To Walk, or to make a donation, log on to: https://wishtowalk.ie/noahs-story/

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