July 27, 2024
News Sport

WATCH: Hundreds join family of Tour De France hero for hometown parade on wheels

Just 24 hours after Carrick man Sam Bennett raised aloft his arm in triumph, in the shadow of the Arc of that name to take the final stage and the Maillot Vert in the 2020 Tour De France, his townfolk came together in an amazing show of support.

The pride and excitement felt by all in Carrick and surrounding areas for the 29-year-old, soon to become superstar is evident. What started out as an idea on Facebook yesterday morning, the possibility of holding a socially distanced parade of bikes and cars to mark Sam’s amazing achievement, became a reality just hours later, with a host of people, schools and clubs only too happy to join in, to keep that feel-good factor going.

Up to 30 cars took place in the parade, all bedecked in Irish colours and the colours of the local cycling club, Carrick Wheelers. While the Wheelers themselves were out in force, with up to 30 people, young and old, from both Carrick Wheelers and neighbouring clubs, joined the parade in Sam’s name. Even a hot air balloon even joined in the festivities.

Sam’s Grandmother Sylvia watching the parade in her Grandson’s honour

Hundreds of people turned out on the streets to watch the occasion, all adhering to social distancing protocol, and chief among those was Sam’s Grandmother Sylvia.

Although there is no definitive date as to when the Tour De France hero will be able to show off his Green Jersey in Carrick-on-Suir, due to the continuation of the cycling season and Covid-19 restrictions, already efforts are underway in the town to mark the occasion and achievement when Sam Bennett, the good news story of the year, returns home to Carrick.

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