July 27, 2024
Business News Property

Another giant 100ft telecoms tower planned for county Kilkenny

A telcoms provider is planning to build another 100ft tower near a Kilkenny village.

Cignal Infrastructure Limited has made an application to Kilkenny County Council to construct the 33mt high town at lands in Coolbanny overlooking Ballyhale.

According to the plans, Cignal want to replace “an existing 27mt monopole telecommunications support structure with a new 33mt multi-user lattice telecommunications support structure”.

The new structure will carry antenna and dishes for broadband and phone capability. It is not clear from the plans whether the structure will have 5G capabilities.

The plans also request permission to extend the compound the mast will be located in and to construct a surrounding 2.4mt high palisade fence.

Cignal are awaiting decisions from the council on whether they can proceed with plans for two more 100ft towers in the county: one near Windgap village; the other is located between Stoneyford and Freshford.

Late last year, the local authority approved Cignal’s plans for a 100ft tower near Knocktopher.

A decision on whether the tower near Ballyhale gets the go ahead is expected in mid-May.


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