July 27, 2024
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Garda Youth Awards: Search on to find Kilkenny’s ‘leaders of tomorrow’

Young people in Kilkenny have a hugely positive impact on our community – and now an awards programme recognising their contribution to society is open for nominations.

Following on from last year’s hugely successful inaugural Garda Youth Awards, the search is on again this year for a young Kilkenny person or group of young local people who have achieved extraordinary things.

An Garda Síochána, in association with Netwatch, Carlow County Council and Kilkenny County Council, this week launched the Carlow/Kilkenny Garda Youth Awards for 2020.

Last year more than 50 young people and groups were nominated for the awards, ten of whom went on to be honoured at a gala event held in Hotel Kilkenny last November.

Two of these young people, Holly Farrell and Laura Delaney, who won the group category award last year, will next month represent the Carlow/Kilkenny Division at the national final of the Garda Youth Awards.

Chief Superintendent of the Carlow/Kilkenny Division, Dominic Hayes, said: “I am delighted to be hosting the Kilkenny/Carlow Divisional Youth Awards for a second year in a row after the tremendous success of the Youth awards in 2019.

“The awards are all about recognizing ordinary young people doing extraordinary things out in their local communities, it is a fantastic initiative.

“Every day we see fantastic young people overcoming challenging situations and contributing greatly to personal projects and community initiatives.”

Speaking of the awards locally, Netwatch co-founder David Walsh, said: “When Netwatch got involved in the inaugural awards last year, we knew it would highlight some great young people in our communities.

“The amazing stories that were presented to the judging panel, surpassed our expectations and the award winners of 2019 were an inspiration to us all.”

The 2020 Carlow/Kilkenny Garda Youth Awards will take place in Carlow on November 12 and are open to any outstanding young individuals in the Kilkenny and Carlow area who by their presence make their community a better place to live or have shown determination in their own lives.

All nominees or group members should be between the ages of 13 and 21.

Nominations can be submitted by any member of the public, relatives and family members are also free to submit a nomination.

Nominations must be received by May 29 by post or by hand to Garda Kieran Scanlon, Juvenile Liaison Officer, Kilkenny Garda Station.

Forms are also available at: http://www.surveymonkey.com/r/kilkenny-carlowgardayouthawards2020

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