July 27, 2024

High number of patients on trolleys at Kilkenny hospital today

St Luke’s General Hospital in Kilkenny is experiencing one of the highest levels of overcrowding in the country today.

As the country feels the ful impact of the Omicron Covid-19 variant, the Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation (INMO) this morning confirmed there are a total of 420 patients on hospital trolleys.

St Luke’s reported the eighth highest level in the country where 23 patients were left waiting for a bed, the majority (14) being in the A&E ward.

University Hospital Limerick (48) recorded the highest number of patients on trolleys, followed by Naas General Hospital (41), Letterkenny University Hospital (36), Galway University Hospital (29), Mercy Hospital Cork (28), Sligo University Hospital (27) and Cork University Hospital.

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