July 27, 2024
Business News

Homeowners stung amid major rise in wasp callouts in Kilkenny and across country

One of Ireland’s leading pest control providers has experienced a massive 83% increase in wasp callouts in Kilkenny and across the country between January and September this year.

And Rentokil is warning the public to treat the flying pest insects with caution at this time of year as Autumn is when they are at their most aggressive.

During the Autumn period, as the insects prepare to enter their hibernation period, wasps nests start to slowly die off and stop producing worker wasps. Existing worker wasps can become disoriented due to this change. As they no longer have the abundance of food they were accustomed to during the warm summer months, this can add to their agitation and increase the likelihood of them interacting with humans as they seek out other food sources.

Rentokil said it expects wasp and other pest insect populations will continue to grow in the years to come as a result of climate change and rising temperatures.

Rentokil Advanced Technical Field Consultant Richard Faulkner said: “Wasps are most aggressive during the Autumn months. If you are experiencing high numbers of wasps in your home or garden there is likely to be a nest nearby. A wasp sting can be a painful experience and can be particularly upsetting and frightening for young children. To avoid stings and keep you and your family safe, the best course of action is to avoid the nest and consider having it treated.  You do not need to have the nest removed in its entirety.”

Here are a few steps which people can take to avoid attracting or being stung by wasps:

  • Don’t panic! If you find there are wasps nearby keep calm and move slowly away.
  • Do not scream, flap your arms or swat them – this will agitate wasps and make them more aggressive.
  • Avoid strong, sweet smells: Avoid using highly perfumed fragrances, shampoos, or hair sprays.
  • Avoid bright colours: Do not wear bright, bold floral patterns on clothes and bags, which could attract wasps.
  • Keep your bins covered: Wasps will gather around uncovered bins to seek food.
  • Avoid open drinks: If drink cans or bottles are left unattended, it may encourage wasps to crawl inside. Never leave sugary drinks unattended. Also, always check sugary drinks for wasps before consuming.
  • Cover food and drink: Always keep food and drink covered when eating outdoors to deter wasps.
  • Stay clean: Ensure children’s hands and faces are cleaned after eating food and drinks.


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