July 27, 2024

Kilkenny gardai reveal tips to protect your home from burglars as winter sets in

Kilkenny gardai have urged local householders to take some simple steps to protect their homes from burglars as the dark winter evening set in.

A local Garda spokesperson said: “Burglary can happen at any time day or night. However during winter months most burglaries occur between 4pm and 9pm. A common explanation for this is the shortening of daylight hours, which exposes vacant houses that are not sufficiently lit up.”

Gardai urge householders to follow these simple steps when they are at home or going out:

 Turn on some lights;
 Use timer switches;
 Lock all doors and windows;
 Use an alarm;
 Store keys away from windows;
 Don’t keep large amounts of cash or jewellery in the house.

PHOTO: Stock image 

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