July 27, 2024

Kilkenny hospital has no more available beds amid surge in new cases of virus

There are no general or critical care beds available in St Luke’s General Hospital as the sharp rise in Covid-19 cases continues to heap pressure upon acute care facilities across the county.

The stark figures were released by the Health Service Executive (HSE) as part of their ‘operations update at acute hospitals’ report.

It comes as 84 new cases of the virus were confirmed in Kilkenny yesterday evening, with a further 51 more infections recorded in neighbouring Carlow, which St Luke’s also serves.

The HSE report revealed five Covid patients are being treated at the Critical Care unit of St Luke’s Hospital. A total of 22 people being treated for the virus at the hospital.

St Luke’s has a 268 bed capacity, but the HSE confirmed none of these are currently available for new patients.

The Kilkenny hospital is one of three in the country which has no available beds remaining. The others are St Vincent’s in Dublin and Mullingar General Hospital.

The HSE figures were taken between 6.30pm and 8pm on Sunday, January 3.

The system countrywide is under severe pressure following the admittance of 732 people to hospitals yesterday, meaning there are just 582 beds remaining in the health system as a whole.


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