July 27, 2024
Business News Property

Plans for new Kilkenny hotel on hold after councillor appeals decision to An Bord Pleanála

A proposed new hotel which was given the go-ahead from Kilkenny County Council has hit a snag after a local Councillor appealed the decision to An Bord Pleanála.

The new 16-bed hotel, designed to reflect the changing needs of tourism and business consumers, was granted permission to be built just off Kilkenny City’s Ring Road in the Hebron Industrial Estate at Leggettsrath

Just last month, the local council granted planning permission to the developer, Kilkenny based company Menesiah Limited to proceed with their plans.

The new aparthotel would comprise of 15 two-bedroom apartments and one hotel studio suite, a reception area, car-parking and a retaining wall around the complex.

During the planning process, which has been ongoing since 2018, Kilkenny County Council received six submissions from the public regarding the construction of the hotel. After taking into account the concerns and returning to the developers for further information, the decision to grant permission was made.

Previously Cllr Eugene McGuinness made a submission to the council during the initial planning stage, in which he raised his concerns regarding traffic management and parking associated with the hotel when taking into account other developments permitted in this area, and has resubmitted this concern to An Bord Pleanála.

Speaking to KilkennyNow.ie, Cllr McGuinness said: “That is the worst possible site for a hotel. It is going in on the narrowest part of the Hebron Road, which is across from the entrance of the cemetery.

“Given the fact that I have objected to any permission in that area, all on the grounds of traffic management, I will continue to do so,” Cllr McGuinness said.

Over the last number of year’s some high profile proposed developments including the Kilkenny Islamic Cultural Centre and a proposed development of a large service station have been refused in that same location.

“I think Kilkenny County Council has a huge responsibility to upgrade that road before it is too late and I have brought that up with them on many occasions.

“Any applications that are put in for that area of the city, I will appeal them,” Cllr McGuinness concluded.

As the planning permission has been appealed to An Bord Pleanála, a final decision on whether the hotel can be built will not now be made until late July at the earliest.

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