July 27, 2024

Stars come out in Kilkenny to raise awareness of domestic violence

This week marked International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women and it was observed in Kilkenny with a special event.

Amber Women’s Refuge in Kilkenny brought the One Million Stars to End Domestic Violence campaign to MacDonagh Junction in an effort to highlight the terrible plight inflicted upon women.

Hundreds of stars were hung in the shopping centre’s courtyard in an effort to raise awareness of the refuge’s efforts to eliminate violence against women.

One Million Stars to End Domestic Violence is a global movement that focuses attention on those suffering and escaping Domestic Violence, which started in 2012 in Australia and has since gathered global notice.

The hand-woven stars on display in MacDonagh Junction are a representation of solidarity against all forms of violence.

Kilkenny’s Amber Women’s Refuge can be reached by calling 1850 42 42 44 and those fleeing domestic violence are reminded travel restrictions do not apply.

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