July 27, 2024

Vandalism to Kilkenny WW1 Memorial is ‘attack on the whole community’

A POLITICIAN has decried the actions of the vandals who defaced the Kilkenny World War 1 Memorial, describing the incident as “an attack on the whole community”.

Denis Hynes, the Labour Party General Election candidate for the Carlow-Kilkenny constituency, said the attack was an insult to all the Kilkenny people who, like his own, had family who served in the Great War.

Mr Hynes (pictured below) said: “Outrage is what I feel about the fact that some idiot decided to attack the WW1 Memorial in Kilkenny.

“Many of us had family that served in WW1. They went because it was a way to feed hungry families. Politics had nothing to do with it, hunger and poverty was the main reason.

“For some idiot to come along and break off part of the nose of the solider is an attack on the whole community.”

It is the second attack on the memorial since it was publicly unveiled last July.

This time the carved stone face of the fallen soldier statue at the centre of the monument has had its nose sheared off and helmet damaged.

Gardaí have confirmed they are investigating the incident.

They have appealed to anyone with information about the incident to contact Kilkenny Garda Station on 056 777 5000.

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