July 27, 2024
News Opinion

WINE O’CLOCK: Rashers, eggs and a glass of champagne

THERE’S nothing so simple that somebody can’t complicate it.

Last week Britain’s Guardian newspaper produced a small magazine on how to prepare breakfast.

It devoted two whole pages to making a bacon sandwich and another two to poached eggs.

In case you missed it, I’ll give you an edited version.

Fry or grill a couple of rashers and stick them between two slices of buttered bread.

Take some eggs and poach them.

What wine would go with these delicacies? If you are drinking at breakfast time then your tipple of choice is probably Red Biddy (available on park benches everywhere; prices vary, but a swap for a swig of vodka is usually acceptable).

If, however, we are talking about lunch or a light evening meal then a sparkling white is an ideal counter to the saltiness of bacon.

Eggs Benedict is the poshest version of poached egg and it’s worth popping the Champagne as an accompaniment. Aldi’s award-winning Veuve Monsigny Champagne Brut is extraordinarily good value at €19.99.

If you mix it with fresh orange juice, you get Buck’s Fizz which is, just about, acceptable at breakfast time and supplies two of your five a day (grapes and oranges … they’re fruit, aren’t they?).

I always think Champagne is a bit wasted in Buck’s Fizz. Decanal Prosecco Frizzante (€12.50, The Wine Centre, Kilkenny) is a cheaper alternative that will give you just enough sparkle, with a sharp tang to counter the sweetness of the orange.

If you fancy a red with rashers and eggs, make it a Pinot Noir. It won’t over-power your food and goes rather well with fatty bacon and runny eggs.

Dunnes have Baron de Philippe de Rothschild 2017 Pinot Noir and Bon Fils Reserve de Luch Pinot Noir.

I’m reluctant to give Dunnes’ prices for they change from week to week and store to store. The Rothschild is around a tenner and the Bon Fils a couple of euro dearer. Both good but you’ll get what you pay for with the silky-smooth Bon Fils.












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