July 27, 2024

Kilkenny sizzles in the sun as temperatures soar to 25C: Met Éireann

AT last! After a miserable start to Summer 2019, it’s finally safe to break out the sunnies and as temperatures soar past 25 degrees over the coming days.

Met Éireann has forecast particularly good weather for Kilkenny and the ‘Sunny South East’ for the rest of the week.

Today we may see some clouds and a slight chance of a shower, or two, but in the main it will be a bright, sunny and blue-skied affair with temperatures rising up to 22 degrees.

And it gets even better tomorrow and Friday, which are set to be the best days of the year so far, with the national forecaster predicting mercury levels will rise to a positively balmy 25 degrees.

So far, the outlook is a little cooler for the weekend, with temperatures forecast to shrink back to around 20 degrees on Saturday. Sunday will see a return to unsettled and showery weather, according to Met Éireann.


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