July 27, 2024

WEEKEND WEATHER: It’s a washout … but Met Éireann says Kilkenny will escape worst conditions

Anyone looking forward to venturing outdoors in this weekend would be advised to wrap up well. But on a positive note it appears Kilkenny will escape some of the worst showers and conditions forecast for other parts of the country.

Although Met Éireann said we can look forward to some warmer temperatures after an unseasonably cold week, the next few days could be a washout, with rain and heavy showers forecast for the weekend.

The national forecaster said today will be cool “with a lot of dry and bright weather during the day” and highest temperatures of 10 to 13 degrees. However, it warned  scattered showers in Ulster and northern parts of Connacht “will build through the afternoon ahead of a spell of rain arriving into the southwest during the evening”.

Tomorrow will be wet and blustery to begin, with “rain clearing to sunshine and showers from the southwest during the morning”.  Met Éireann added: “The rain will clear the north coast in the afternoon. Fresh to strong and gusty southeast winds will veer southwesterly and moderate somewhat as the rain clears. A much milder day than of recent with highest temperatures of 13 to 17 degrees, mildest in Leinster.”

The national forecaster said Sunday will be windy “with widespread heavy showers and limited bright intervals”. Met Éireann added: “Hail showers are possible, with the risk of thunderstorms. Showers will likely be heaviest in the western half of the country. Highest temperatures of 12 to 15 degrees. Fresh to strong and gusty southerly winds will moderate later in the afternoon and evening but remain breezy in parts overnight. Showers will continue on Sunday night mixed with clear spells.”

The forecaster said Monday will see further widespread heavy showers of rain or hail, “with thundery downpours possible”. It added: “Bright or sunny spells will be limited. Highs of 12 to 15 degrees. Moderate to fresh breezes will be variable in direction, strong at times near coasts.”

Early indications suggest the unsettled weather will continue into next week, “bringing showers to most areas with temperatures average or slightly below”, according to Met Éireann.



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