July 27, 2024

Shocking number of abuse cases involving vulnerable in Kilkenny and south east

A total of 1,333 cases of reported or suspected abuse of vulnerable adults in Kilkenny and the south eastwere reported over the last year.

There figures were revealed as a new campaign aimed at protecting vulnerable adults in Kilkenny and the wider region was launched this week.

The information campaign, titled ‘Plan Your Future Care: it’s better for everybody’ is led by the Health Service executive (HSE) and the South East Community Healthcare’s Safeguarding Committee.

Commenting on the campaign, Geraldine Sutton, Principal Social Worker with the HSE/South East Community Healthcare’s Safeguarding, said: “I would urge all older people to record their future wishes and to plan ahead. Our Safeguarding Team in the South East received 1,333 referrals of suspected or alleged abuse of vulnerable adults in 2020.

“Ensuring vulnerable adults are supported to make choices about their future can significantly reduce their risk of experiencing abuse,” Ms Sutton added.

Anyone who has been affected by abuse can contact the HSE Regional Safeguarding Office on 056 778 4325.



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