July 27, 2024
Business News

Free parking! Kilkenny Council opens up car parks for Christmas shoppers

Kilkenny County Council has confirmed that it will provide shoppers with free parking in two car parks in the city in the run-up to Christmas.

The car parks at Market Yard and County Hall will have free parking at certain times over the coming weeks,  starting today.

Parking at County Hall will be free each weekend in the run-up to Christmas, while Market Yard will be free most weekday mornings.

County Hall:

The car park at County Hall will be open and free to the public on the following dates:

  • Saturday, November 30 & Sunday, December 1
  • Saturday, December 7 & Sunday, December 8
  • Saturday, December 14 & Sunday, December 15
  • Saturday, December 21 & Sunday, December 22
  • Saturday, December 27 & Sunday, December 28
  • Christmas Eve, December 24

The car park will close at 6.30 pm on these dates

Market Yard:

Parking will be free of charge from 9 am to 12 noon on the following dates:

  • Monday, December 9 to Thursday, December 12
  • Monday, December 16 to Thursday, December 19
  • Wednesday, December 25 to Saturday, December 28


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